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NRO’s årshjul
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juli 2024






§1      The name of the organization is the Norwegian Rescue Dog Organization (“NRO”).

§2      NRO is a Norwegian humanitarian search and rescue organization.

§3      The purposes of NRO are: (i) to educate and certify dogs and handlers for domestic deployment; (ii) to educate and certify dogs and handlers for international deployment; and (iii) to keep Norwegian authorities and emergency rescue services updated of NRO’s abilities and certified teams.




Executive Board

§1      The Executive Board is the highest authority of the organization during the time period between Annual Meetings.

§2      Resolutions may be made by the Executive Board at a Board Meeting called for that purpose if at least three (3) of the Trustees, including the Chairman or the Vice-Chairman, are present.

§3      Summons for Board Meetings, including the agenda for the Meeting, will be sent out at least two (2) weeks prior to the date of the Board Meeting.

§2      Resolutions may not be made by the Executive Board if the summons do not comply with these requirements.


Annual Meeting

§1      The Annual Meeting of the members of the organization shall be held within the month of March of each calendar year and is designed to give all paying members of NRO an opportunity to raise issues, to propose motions and to vote.

§2.     Matters to be discussed at the Annual Meeting must be received by the Executive Board on or before February 15, at the latest.

§3      Summons for the Annual Meeting is to be sent to each paying member at least two (2) weeks prior to the date of the Annual Meeting.  The Summons will enclose the Annual Report, the Account Report, the Budget for the next year and all proposals from the paying members.

§4      The Annual Meeting also will handle reports and accounts of Local Subsidiary Organizations.

§5      The Annual Meeting elects the following Trustees for the Executive Board: Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Cashier, two (2) substitute Trustees and an Accountant.

§6      Only paying members with dogs certified by NRO and paying members who, within the past five (5) years, had a dog certified by NRO, can be elected for the Executive Board.  If there is a situation where there are not sufficient handlers with certified dogs who are willing to be elected to the Executive Board, then paying members in training may be elected.

§7      Each Board Member is elected for a period of two (2) years.  One-half of the Executive Board will be elected each year with the remaining half of the Executive Board being elected the following year.


Local Subsidiary Organizations

§1      Local Subsidiary Organizations may be established in various geographic areas within Norway if said organization maintains a roster of at least ten (10) members.  The Local Subsidiary Organization will operate within its designated geographic area only.

§2      Establishment of a Local Subsidiary Organization is made by the Executive Board.

§3      The Local Subsidiary Organizations highest authority is its Annual Meeting. Paying members of the Local Subsidiary Organization may speak, propose and vote at the Annual Meeting.

§4      The Annual Meeting of a Local Subsidiary Organization is to be held within the month of January of each calendar year. Summons for the Annual Meeting is to be sent to each paying member at least two (2) weeks prior to the date of the Annual Meeting.  The Summons will enclose the Annual Report, the Account Report, the Budget for the next year and all proposals from the paying members.

§5      Matters to be discussed at the Annual Meeting must be received by the Local Board on or before December 15, at the latest.

§6      The Annual Meeting elects a Board consisting of Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Cashier.

§7      Only paying members with dogs certified by NRO and paying members who, within the past five (5) years, had a dog certified by NRO, can be elected for the Local Board.  If there is a situation where there are not sufficient handlers with certified dogs who are willing to be elected to the Local Board, then paying members in training may be elected.

§8      Each Board Member is elected for a period of two (2) years.  One-half of the Executive Board will be elected each year with the remaining half of the Executive Board being elected the following year.

§9      The Annual Meeting handles the Annual Report, the Account Report, the Budget for the next year and all proposals from the paying members.




§1      Applications for membership with NRO are handled by the Executive Board.

§2      Each NRO member shall pay an annual membership-fee on or before February 1 of each calendar year.  Membership in NRO will end upon written notification if the annual membership fee is not paid.

§3      All members are required to follow NRO’s By-Laws and instructions.  Failure to do so will be grounds for removal from NRO.

§4      Supplying information about NRO to the media is the responsibility of the Executive Board only.

§5      Transgressions that harm the organization or the reputation of the organization will be grounds for removal from NRO.




§1      Elections are in writing and are carried with a simple majority. In the event that two candidates for office receive an equal number of votes, a re-election will be arranged.  If the total votes received still are equal, the final outcome will be decided by lottery.

§2      Voting for propositions may be conducted by a show of hands except in the case that a paying member requests that the voting be done in writing. If the event that any proposition receives an equal number of votes, the Chairman’s vote will settle the matter.  In the Chairman’s absence, the Vice-Chairman settles the matter.

§3      Neither voting in advance nor accredited voting are allowed.  Propositions from the bench are allowed at elections.




§1      These By-Laws may be amended, altered or repealed by the members at any regularly scheduled Annual Meeting.  Resolutions about amendments of the By-Laws requires a two-third (2/3) majority vote.  Propositions for amendment of the By-Laws must be received by the Executive Board by February 15 of each calendar year.




§1      NRO may only be dissolved by resolution made at the Annual Meeting. Such resolution requires a three-quarters (3/4) majority vote.  If such resolution is made, the matter will rest for one (1) year and will then be handled again at the Annual Meeting.  The final decision to dissolve requires a three-quarters (3/4) majority vote at the second Annual Meeting.  At this Annual Meeting, the decision will be made as to which Norwegian humanitarian organization will receive NRO’s remaining assets.  However, distribution of such assets will be held back for three (3) years should a reorganization of NRO occur.

§2      Dissolution of a Local Subsidiary Organization can be made by resolution of the Local Subsidiary Organization’s Annual Meeting with a three-quarters (3/4) majority vote. The resolution must then be approved by the NRO’s Executive Board. The assets of a dissolved Local Subsidiary Organization will be transferred to NRO.




§1      The original By-Laws took effect at the initial meeting of the organization held on February 18, 1999.  Amendments were adopted at the Annual Meeting held on March 26. 2009 and took effect immediately.

